Airport Security Measures

Nowadays, every passenger prefers to take a flight instead of any other mode of transport because it takes less time to reach their destination. With this, the footfall at almost all the airports around the globe has gradually increased and is growing day by day. A maximum number of airports serve millions of passengers every single year. 

That is why Airport security measures & the safety of all the passengers or even visitors arriving at the airport have become a crucial topic. In the past years, it’s clearly shown that Airport security has consistently evolved, and many new things have been implemented globally. To know the most interesting facts about airport security, stick to the end of this read. 

5 Most Essential Airport Security Rules

Airport Security Rules

Whenever you enter the airport, these security measures start till you board a flight safely. You can clearly see various threat detection and prevention tools, machines, etc. It includes X-ray machines, explosive detectors, full-body scanners, and metal detectors to ensure the complete safety and security of every individual. No matter whether you are a normal person or a VIP, if you are at the airport, you have to follow security measures with proper clearance. However there are a number of things to look out for, but we are highlighting some of the most important Airport security measures that you need to take care of:

1. Initial Screening & Security Checks

Airport security measures start as soon as you enter the airport. It is a multi-layered security process that includes advanced screening techniques and X-ray technology to ensure that the individual is completely clean and not a threat to anyone. However, different devices and machines are used for various different purposes so that security staff can take care of everything properly. Body Scanners are used to find out if a person at the airport is carrying any suspicious object under the rose. 

Whenever you enter the airport, you will see huge X-ray machines from the first entry gate, along with body scanners. These machines can inspect and verify the checked and cabin luggage to avoid the transportation of weapons, drugs, etc. You may also find EDS or explosive detection systems that help security staff screen the luggage and ensure that no explosives can reach inside the airport or in the aircraft. 

Apart from machine screenings, this security check also includes manual checking in case suspicious activity is found with any specific person. The authorized personnel do a behavior analysis to ensure that everything is fine. If an individual is successful in tricking the machines, they might not be able to pass the manual checks, as the trained professionals are experts in identifying the risks. 

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) are the national and international security regulation bodies responsible for guiding airports on what measures to follow to maintain the topmost security and safety of an individual at the airport and inside the aircraft as well. In addition to this, they organize regular audits to verify whether the airports are following their guidelines without any misses. 

2. Screening for All

No matter whether you are a passenger, a non-passenger, or a visitor, if you are entering the airport, you have to go through the prior boarding process. Non-passengers are the people who work at the airport and have access to several areas. It includes bartenders, caterers, maintenance workers, baggage handlers, flight attendants, pilots, and other crew members. Most of the non-passengers can access the restricted areas as well. So, it’s mandatory to screen everyone who is entering the airport to keep safety on top of everything. 

You may find a bunch of screenings from the entry gate to the last restricted section of the airport. You can also find a lot of biometric scanners to ensure that no person other than a non-passenger will enter any specific restricted area without permission. There are various screening processes for non-passengers, including metal detectors, ETDs, portable and full body scanners, X-ray machines, etc. 

3. 24/7 CCTV Surveillance

CCTVs are one of the best and most reliable ways to keep an eye on all the activities happening at different parts of the airport. These video security systems ensure that someone is looking at you all the time at the airport to keep security and safety a top priority. If any of the persons at the airport try to breach security for the purpose of harming anyone, the authorized personnel take appropriate action at the same time by doing timely identification through these CCTV cameras. These camera systems are highly advanced and based on new technology that can even analyze travelers or visitors through their automatic facial recognition program. 

CCTV Cameras play an important role in maintaining airport security measures. Most criminals or suspects are behind bars only because they were captured in Videos, which authorities used as evidence against them. At airports, every single area is under CCTV, which makes it next to impossible to commit a crime within these Airport security measures. 

4. Bollards to Avoid a Risk

At the time of visiting the airport, you often find bollards at various sections of the airport. These bollards are used to create a diversion for the vehicles so that no one can enter that specific restricted area. Many big airports often face problems in which unauthorized vehicles enter the airport runways, creating a real hassle for all the crew members and the staff available there. These things may also create a problematic situation, which leads to compromising the safety of not only passengers but also the visitors arriving at the airport and non-passengers who are already working there. 

Airport authorities usually install these bollards at the entrances that restrict traffic and can easily prevent any kind of vehicle attack at the airport. Airport barriers are the best way to prevent unauthorized vehicle entry at the airport. If it is a permanent bollard or barrier, it clearly shows that “No-Entry” area. In the case of a collapsible bollard, the road will be cleared, and barriers will be collapsed only for the VIPs and VVIPs. 

5. Pat-Down Screening Process

The Airlines and Airports Authority strictly recommends reading all the guidelines before packing your luggage or keeping anything with you while traveling through the airways. This is because of the extremely strict policies and screening procedures they follow to keep everything safe. The pat-down process is used to make sure that no restricted items such as weapons, acids, detonators, bombs, other explosives, etc., or other threats are hidden by the person either in the luggage or on the body. 

The pat-down process includes inspections of various body parts such as the neck, head, legs, arms, legs, feet, and the sensitive or private body areas, including buttocks, breasts, etc. If you are feeling a little uncomfortable while reading this, let me tell you one thing: there’s no need to worry, as same gender officer will be assigned for the pat-down process. The procedure is needed to determine whether there is any existing threat or not. 

Final Thoughts

Airport security measures and procedures seem a little strict, but it is necessary to keep everyone safe. It requires a lot of planning and years of training to work in such a stressful environment, doing everything right and no chance for even a single mistake at all. This is because a single mistake can take away the life of many innocent people. No compromise with the security measures is acceptable at the airport, which makes it a little crucial for the authorized personnel and officers working there. Hope you got a quick overview of the safety measures, and will be helpful for your future travel plans. 

Frequently Asked Question!

What are airport security procedures?

Whether a passenger, visitor or an employee at the airport, everyone has to go through the security procedures, which include a metal detector, X-ray scan, full body screening, etc. 

How many types of airport security are there?

Airport security screening protocol includes passenger pre-boarding screening and hold luggage screening. 

What is the basic concept of airport security?

Airport security uses various security concepts, including technical equipment, pat-down screening, etc. 

How do you handle airport security?

Ensure to separate liquids, gels, and large electrical items, keep your eyes and ears on the personnel, and collect all your stuff before leaving the desk. 

Which airport security is best?

TSA is found to be the best airport security as it provides an easier screening process and less wait time. 

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